Monique Miranda
2 min readSep 18, 2020


why we force ourselves to be productive every day?

photo by Carl Heyerdahl

Today I just wanted to chill, listen to some music and read my books. But I had deadlines that I needed to accomplish and because of that I’m here working.

After that, I was on Twitter and saw a tweet about how we have to work and dedicate ourselves 5 days of the week and only rest and chill for 2 days. That’s not balanced and not healthy.

That got me thinking “why we force ourselves to be productive every day?”. We don’t need to accomplish a thousand things everyday. It’s okay if we’re not at a good day and need to just do nothing all day.

Unfortunately we live in a society where we’re induced to believe that if we’re not being productive, we’re not contributing and it’s a terrible thing.

How can we focus and be productive if we don’t really enjoy the moments we have for ourselves? If we’re constantly worrying with our to do’s? If we are unsure of how the next days will be like, specially during quarantine?

I don’t know about you but many days I get more worried about the deadlines I have to follow then myself. That’s not something I’m proud of, it’s just something I’ve realized and know that I have to change.

But the thing that stays in my mind is: how can I change it when I’ve grown up believing all of those things?. It just feels a little bit impossible — actually not impossible, but very very challenging.

There’s a way to change this mindset we’re trained to be in? How can we establish a routine with self care included and prioritize it?



Monique Miranda

Hey! I’m a college student that decided to reconnect with writing during quarantine in Brazil. I’ll post some thoughts of mine but feel free to read it all 🥰.